Friday, January 29, 2010

Actually in the last post the first photos are of glam at night bombay and the last ones were of Goa... oops

Here are the last images of beautiful Goa (Panjim City) where we treated ourselves to a couple of nights of a real bed and a real shower and a boat ride on one of the ferries, which is basically a disco-event and hilarious. We were so far from the sides of the river that you couldn't see a thing but everyone had tons of fun dancing on the boat... that's the crazy photo of the people with the flags above them, especially the men rocked out, and I was afraid it was going to be one of those tipping over ferries you read about in the paper and prayed everybody wouldn't pile over to one side of the boat to look at something since there were really too many people packed on the boat! But we got back to the pier without mishap and then we had fun exploring Panjim City and ate lots of spicy Goan pork and then flew to glam Bombay. We got kicked out of the pool area at the Taj Mahal Hotel ("The Taj") where I had invited the kids for a reminicent drink (I had stayed there, years ago, thanks to the generosity of Enrico, among others, before the terrorist attacks which destroyed the room, a very luxurious room, that I had stayed in, overlooking the "Gateway to India" and the Bay of Bombay) since we were not guests at the hotel, and slunk away and went to have a beer nearby, in more humble surroundings. We had met a movie director from Bombay (a Bollywood director no less) at the airport in Kathmandu, and hooked up with him again in Bombay, and he served as our terrific guide for a couple of days. We enjoyed thoroughly "Mumbai" (again for me)especially the Prince of Wales Museum near the Taj. The hotel that we stayed in will remain uncommented upon... suffice to say that at least they had decent tea and it was cheap and had TV which was great fun after such a long time without. We shared the room, given the prices, and Mum (that would be me) slept in the roll away bed at the foot of the kid's kingsize bed! Here's some mixed up photos.... love to you all.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here's a fabulous sunset... here's our fabulous Swami Shiva who we fell in love with...

Here's fabulous Clarissa and Piero chillin' on the beach.
Here's a fabulous child acrobat: they were on the beach everyday and were incredible. I'd read about them in some of John Irving's novels so it was a real special treat to see them up close.

And here's the fabulous beach at Palolem, Goa. Speaking of Goa I will try and publish some more photos from Panjim, one of the major town in Goa where we stayed for the last couple of days before departing for Bombay.

Yay, I've got some new photos from India!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here we are in India! We've had so much fun and it's been relaxing after Kathmandu. The weather is incredible, warm and balmy and my skin is getting back it's smoothness after the dry and dusty air of Nepal. Even the Yoga Swami says I am getting younger day by day, but that might be the Yoga! Goa is very hippy-ish, and hip, but if you want to walk a bit off the beaten track there are deserted beaches and little fried fish food shacks, cold, cheap beer and swaying palms.

It's so wonderful to be with Piero and Clarissa and I'm just soaking it up and keeping it close to my heart to have when I leave and won't see them for awhile. I'm headed for Thailand in February and probably will not return to Kathmandu. I don't know what I'm doing then yet. They will be leaving Nepal around July probably so I don't know when and where we are going to get to visit again with each other.

Photos will follow when I can find a card reader somewhere for my XD camera card.... boohoo